torstai 3. joulukuuta 2015

3. Missäköhän mahtaa joulupöydässä olla tarjolla rakkauden leipää?

Luulin että suomalaiseen joulun ruokapöytään kuuluu monta sorttia, mutta jossain syödään vielä enemmän, nimittäin Puolassa! Puolalaisessa jouluaterialla on yhteensä 12 eri ruokalajia! Puolassa joulunvietto on tännä taikaa ja vuosisatoja vanhoja perinteitä, jotka juontavat juurensa uskonnosta ja luonnosta, joulu on hyvin perhekeskeinen juhla… 

Joulukalenterin ensimmäinen vieraileva kirjoittaja on puolalainen Ela ja tarina on uskomattoman upea! Nyt alkaa joulunodotus olla huipussaan!

Thank you Ela for your amazing story! I was planning to put today another story, but wanted to change it last minute because of St Nicholas day is coming soon. So you are my first ever ”guestwriter” and I am so happy about it! Now I am really in Xmas mood and looking forward also other nice stories!

Polish Christmas

Christmas traditions in Poland are full of magic and meaning. The customs, which have been passed down through the centuries, are deeply rooted in religion, family and nature. People prepare for this big holiday during the four weeks of Advent. In Poland this is a time of fasting and prayer, of spiritual preparation for Christmas.

St. Nicholas Day, Dec. 6th Dzień Świętego Mikołaja - starts off the Christmas holidays in Poland. Traditionally on December 6th, St. Nicholas day, St. Nicholas usually dressed as a bishop, comes in his sleigh with gifts for the children. Good children would get gifts. As for the bad behaved children, they would get coal. Today St. Nicholas comes dressed more like the American Santa Claus...

Christmas Eve is the most holy and meaningful day of the year in Poland. It is a day of waiting for, and celebration of the birth of the Christ. Christmas Eve Dinner is called Wigilia. The word comes from the Latin "vigilare" which means to wait. Early in the day, someone in the family starts preparing the meal, which traditionally consists of twelve meatless dishes, and includes many kinds of fish, beet or mushroom soup, various dishes made from cabbage, mushrooms, or potatoes, followed by dried fruit compote and pastries for dessert.

At the Christmas table an extra setting is added in memory of those who are not able to join the family for Wigilia. When the first star, gwiazdka, appears in the night sky, the meal can finally begin. A prayer is said first and then the family members share the oplatek, thin wafer made of flour and water. Sharing of the oplatek is the most ancient and beloved of all Polish Christmas traditions. The head of the household usually starts by breaking the wafer with his wife and then continues to share it with everyone at the Wigilia table. Wishes for peace and prosperity are exchanged...

This tradition dates back many centuries when a thin, flat bread called podplomyk was baked over an open flame and then shared with the family gathered around the fire on Christmas Eve. Patterns would be cut onto the bread to make breaking easier. This is why oplatki today still have patterns on them, usually of Nativity scenes. 

After Wigilia, the family gathers around the tree, choinka, to exchange small gifts and sing carols. Shortly before midnight, the family gets ready to go to Midnight Mass called pasterka which means Shepherds' Mass. 


Wesołych Świąt!

Tuoreimmat kuulumiset löydät Martan Matkassa 

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