Syyskuu on sadonkorjuun aikaa ja Geneven-järven alueella on lukuisia sadonkorjuu tapahtumia, markkinoita sekä paljon muita mielenkiintoisia tapahtumia. Huomasin että joka puolella järjestetää TROC eli SWAP-tapahtumia, joissa vaihdetaan ja kierrätetään tavaroita eri teemojen mukaan. TROC vaihto- ja kierrätystapahtuma vaikuttaa todella mielenkiintoiselta, joten siihen täytyy ehdottomasti käydä tutustumassa. Jääkiekkokausi alkaa myös täällä ja josko vihdoin pääsisi katsomaan jotakin ottelua, Lausannessahan pelaa tällä kaudella, jopa kolme Suomalaista! Paljon on ensi kuussa tapahtumissa valinnanvaraa, joten katsotaan mihin ehditään...
Syyskuu tapahtumakalenteri:
4.9. torstai, Nyon, Troc Amical de = SWAP
Rue des Marchandises 9 / 14-17.30
Grande vente d'habits pour enfants et jeunes, articles de sport, chaussures, layette, etc. Location matériel de bébé
Seuraavat vaihtopäivät Nyonissa
Thursday, 11 September 14 / 14:00 - 17:30 CET
Thursday, 18 September 14 / 14:00 - 17:30 CET
Thursday, 25 September 14 / 14:00 - 17:30 CET
4.9 torstai - 6.9 lauantai, Avenches, Tattoo Avenches

4-7.9 torstai - sunnuntai, Mies, Festival de la bonne humeur
Commune de Mies / Rue du Village 1
Dispenser de la bonne humeur pendant quatre jours, rassembler différents arts de la scène et les rendre accessibles à tous ou encore faire connaître des mondes artistiques de manière surprenante et novatrice... C'est le programme réjouissant proposé pour la première édition du Festival de la Bonne Humeur.
Jeudi 4 septembre, 20h30
"Mies dans ta g...", Jean-Luc Fornelli, Marc Boivin, Nathanaël Rochat & Cie
Vendredi 5 septembre, 20h30
"L'Opéra dans tous ses états", Comiqu'Opéra
Samedi 6 septembre, 20h30
"Solographie", Compagnie Linga - Dorota Lecka
"Fil Rouge", Alba Lucera, Flamenco
Dimanche 7 septembre, 17h30
"Mise à mot",
Buvette et petite restauration dès 19h00, assurée par l'Amicale de Mies.
Le festival aura lieu au terrain de Polo de Veytay.
4.9 torstai - 7.9 sunnuntai, Montreux, Montreaux Grand Prix
6.9 lauantai – 7.9 sunnuntai, Montreux, Freddie Mercury’s memorial day
This event proposes concerts, workshops and encounters with personalities who rubbed shoulders with Freddie Mercury. In the presence of Peter Freestone.
6.9 lauantai – 7.9 sunnuntai, Morges, Books on the Lakeside Streets
Authors’ Fair, 5th Edition Unique in Western Switzerland! The event will welcome 300 novelists, historians, philosophers, and children’s authors. Among them, successful authors and experienced writers. They will sign their books, hold discussions with their readers, participate in a vast programme of debates, encounters, readings, and literary cruises.
6.9. lauantai, Gommugny, Place de l'Eglise
Fête au village et course de caisse à savon
6.9 lauantai, Mont-sur-Rolle, Vine Festival Mont-sur-Rolle
We offer you a delightful and easy-going introduction to a variety of Mont-sur-Rolle wines. You start from the Caveau de Mont-sur-Rolle and stop at nine different stands, where you can taste our great wines and some delicious local dishes. The different winemakers present their own wines. The 5km walk is accessible to adults and children alike. Groups can leave every 15 minutes between 10.30 and 14.00.
Saturday September 6th 2014 in Mont-sur-Rolle
Gastronomic journey: CHF 60.-
Special price for Kids: CHF 25.-
on reservation only: 079 133 17 20
6.9. lauantai, Givrins, Nyon - St. Cergue Rétro

10:00 à 17:00, Repas de soutien Adultes CHF 70.- | Enfants 6-16 ans CHF 25.-
6.9 lauantai, Moudon Market
6.9 lauantai – 7.9 sunnuntai, Payerne, Air 14 Payerne
One of the greatest European air meetings will be held in Payerne in celebration of the 100 years of the Swiss Air Force. For two weekends, Payerne will be the meeting place of international aviation. Legendary old-timers, patrol, aircraft and men will gather in the Broye region to celebrate military aviation. Several events will be organised in 2014 in order to mark this centenary appropriately and honour the people who have left their mark on the air force with their commitment and dedication.An anniversary of such importance cannot be celebrated without an air show and in 2014 there will be not just one but two! A unique show.
6 lauantai -7 sunnuntai, September 2014
Vintage aeroplanes, aerobatic teams, legendary aircraft and people will meet at the Broye to celebrate and honour the Swiss Air Force. During the week between these two major events, Payerne will be the place for renewing old acquaintances, making new discoveries, discussions, debates, entertaining events, …
- 11.9. torstai, Lausanne, Gardens 2014
For you, landscape gardeners, scientists, artists, idle strollers and other people interested in the world of plants, this event has the unique feature of incorporating gardens into the urban space. The 2014 edition proposes an urban walk around gardens that are extraordinary, spontaneous, viable in the long-term and mobile.
11.9. torstai - 13.9 lauantai, Lausanne,
Longines Global Champions Tour of Lausanne
The 2nd Longines Global Champions Tour offers three exceptional days on Place Bellerive. The world’s 30 best obstacle jumping horsemen will compete during this single event in Switzerland. The Longines Global Champions Tour is the world’s first obstacle jumping circuit and proposes 13 prestige competitions on three continents.
11.9. torstai - 14.09 sunnuntai, Avenches, Equus Helveticus
For horse lovers, the Avenches National Equestrian Institute organises the traditional horse festival in cooperation with the Swiss national stud farm.
12-14.9. perjantai - sunnuntai Geneve, Palexpo
DAVIS CUP semifinal Switzerland vs. Italy / Hall 6
Switzerland will face Italy in the Davis Cup semifinal at the Palexpo in Geneva. The games will be played in Hall 6.
Schedule of play (subject to changes):
Friday 12 September 13h00 (two singles)
Saturday 13 September 2014 13h00 (double)
Sunday 14 September 2014 12h00 (two singles)
Public viewing (free entrance)
Wednesday 10 September
Palexpo, hall 6
Schedule of play (subject to changes):
Friday 12 September 13h00 (two singles)
Saturday 13 September 2014 13h00 (double)
Sunday 14 September 2014 12h00 (two singles)
Public viewing (free entrance)
Wednesday 10 September
Palexpo, hall 6
- 13.9. lauantai Bâtie-Festival

Lisätietoa: Bâtie-Festival
13.9 lauantai, Féchy, 17th Grape Festival Féchy
13-14.9. lauantai-sunnuntai, Nyon, European Heritage Days
For the 21th edition of the European Heritage Days attend the open house in three museums of Nyon. klo 10:00 - 17:00
– 14.09 sunnuntai, Montreux – Vevey, Musical September
This classical music festival presents a selection of the best symphony orchestras and chamber music ensembles, but also of brilliant conductors, prestigious soloists and young talents. The concerts are performed in the Stravinski Auditorium, the Theatre of Vevey and the Castle of Chillon.
13.9 lauantai - 14.9 sunnuntai, Mont Sur Rolle
10h à 17h dans le cadre des journées du patrimoine vaudois, les caves suivantes seront ouvertes pour une visite et une dégustation gratuite :
- Abbaye de Mont, rte de l'Etraz 3
- Domaine de Roliebot, rte de l'Etraz 2
- Domaine du Vieux Toit, rte de Mont-le-Grand 29
- Domaine de Germagny, rte de Germagny 7
- Haute Cour, ch. du Stand 11
- Domaine de Roliebot, rte de l'Etraz 2
- Domaine du Vieux Toit, rte de Mont-le-Grand 29
- Domaine de Germagny, rte de Germagny 7
- Haute Cour, ch. du Stand 11
16-18.9 tiistai-torstai, Founex, TROC = SWAP
Salle de spectacles / Route de Châtaigneriaz 3
Troc de vêtements pour dames automne/hiver
Réception: Mardi 16 septembre 2014 de 9h00 à 11h00 et de 17h00 à 19h00
Vente: Mercredi 17 septembre 2014 de 09h00 à 17h00 non-stop
Restitution: Jeudi 18 septembre 2014 de 09h00 à 11h00 et de 17h00 à 19h00
20.9 lauantai, Severy-sur-Morges, Walnut Festival
20.9 lauantai, Féchy, Fête du raisin (10-21)
Village party about wineyard and wine. Stands, wine-tasting session, craft industry, music animations and for children.
The Fête du raisin, a colourful, lively wine festival day

The festival takes place mid-September and combines the announcement of the official start to the grape harvest with planting the new vines at La Vigne du Monde. The commune invites two partners for the event: a foreign wine grape region, which offers a small number of vines that become part of the ampelographic collection below the village church, and a Swiss commune that promotes its region, its culture, artisans and local organizations.
21.9. lauantai-sunnuntai, Rolle, Marché Campagnard (9-18)
Pelouse du Château / Place des Tilleuls
Marché Campagnard autour du Château de Rolle. Venez vous promener dans le cadre magnifique du Château et découvrir les stands du marché avec de nombreux produits du terroir.
26.9. perjantai, Carouge, "Charme de Carouge"- perjantaimarkkinat
26.9. perjantai - 28.8. Sunnuntai, Lutry, Grape Harvest Festival
Every year, during the month of September, the old township of Lutry turns into a festival venue to mark the end of the grape harvest: the cellars open, the canteens unfold their banners and the village prepares to live three days of madness, the Fête des Vendanges (grape harvest festival), the last one in the Canton of Vaud !
27.9 lauantai, St Cergue, Désalpe in St-Cergue
A major celebration that marks the end of the Alpine summer pasture season. The parade of countless carefully decorated cattle evidences the breeders' great passion for their animals. Cows, goats and pigs walk through the village all day long to the sound of bells and alphorns. Various typical activities are proposed and regional craftspeople present their works on the market.
Lisätietoja: St Cergue
27.9 lauantai, Désalpe in L’Etivaz
Coming down from the mountain pastures (Désalpe)
The désalpe is the day when the cows that supply the milk for the Alpine cheeses leave the mountain pastures. This transhumance, which takes place at the beginning of the autumn, gives rise to festive processions where cows, goats and pigs pass through the villages, to the sound of bells and the alphorn
Désalpe in L’Etivaz
27.9 lauantai, Founex, Foire d’automne 10-17 syysmarkkinat
Salle de spectacles / Route de Châtaigneriaz 3
Divers stands attendent le public. Nombreuses animations: Musique de jazz live, démonstration de line dancing, tombola. Restauration sur place.
27.9. lauantai
Rolle, Pihakirppis 7-17:00, Pelouse du Château, Place des Tilleuls
27.9. lauantai
Annecy, markkinat klo 8:00-17:00
Antiikkimarkkinat, Vieille ville, 150 myyjää
Koru-, vaate ja huonekalu valmistajat, Place des Cordeliers
Taidemarkkinat, Vicenza laiturialueella
28.8. Sunnuntai
Nyon, Les puces de Nyon, kirpputori
Kilometrin pituinen kirpputori rantakadulla
28.9. sunnuntai
Morges, Kirpputori 8-18:00, Place de Gare, myynnissä kaikenlaista tavaraa, antiikkia
Geneve Servette kotiottelut syyskuussa
Samedi 13.09.2014 GSHC - HC Lugano 19h45
Mardi 16.09.2014 GSHC - EHC Bienne 19h45
Samedi 20.09.2014 GSHC - EV Zug 19h45
Vendredi 26.09.2014 Lausanne HC - GSHC 19h45
Mardi 30.09.2014 GSHC - Lausanne HC 19h45
Lisätietoja: Geneve Servette Hockey Club
toukokuu - lokakuu, Rossinière, The Kingdom of Cats
Rossinière transforms into a kingdom of cats during summer. Come and have a stroll through the village alleys to visit the exhibition of some thirty handcrafted cats by professional craftspeople, students or families, and vote for your “King of the Cats”!